On November 15 within the framework of the project “Breaking silos, promoting young TCN women’s access to targeted vocational training and labor market opportunities through social economy- MOMENTUM of Cooperation,” Cheryl Novak represented ELIAMEP and participated in a working group hosted by the project’s key partner, the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum. The objective of the workshop was to present MOMENTUM and explore ways to foster the creation of local stakeholder networks.

The project MOMENTUM will run from January 2022 to 2024 and is funded by the European Commission under the AMIF funding framework and has as its main objective to improve the access of third country national women to professional education and thus their integration into the work force. This is intended to be accomplished by improving the collaboration of different organizations that have an important role or are related to that objective.

The head of the project, ActionAid Hellas, participated, along with representatives from the Directorate General of Migration and Home Affairs, the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family, the Public Employment Service of the Municipality of Athens, the Institute of Small Companies, the National Center of Social Research and ELIAMEP.




Δημοσίευση: Wednesday November 29th, 2023
Cheryl Novak Research Associate; Sustainability and Migration