27 May, 2017

Central European University, Budapest

On 27 May 2017 the international conference ‘The Kokkinakis Papers: Taking Stock of 25 years of ECHR Jurisprudence on Freedom of Religion or Belief‘, convened by Cole W. Durham, Malcolm Evans, Jeroen Temperman and Jeremy T. Gunn, took place at the Central European University in Budapest. This conference brought together the authors of a volume planned for the 25th anniversary of the Kokkinakis v. Greece judgment of the European Court of Human Rights. The aim of the conference and the planned volume is to explore the depths and developments of ECtHR jurisprudence, as well as the broader context and implications of this case law from a wide range of perspectives.

Effie Fokas presented her Grassrootsmobilise-based research on ‘Kokkinakis at the Grassroots Level’, considering the extent to which grassroots level actors know about the case of Kokkinakis and see in it an opportunity to further their own religion-related rights claims, the extent to which the case inspired social actors such as rights activists, cause lawyers or faith group members, to mobilise for their own religion-related rights, whether in court, in the halls of government, or in the streets, and whether Kokkinakis left a mark on the individual citizen with concerns to do with religious freedoms.




Δημοσίευση: Tuesday May 30th, 2017
Effie Fokas Senior Research Fellow, Religion; Religion & Law; Culture politics
Dia Anagnostou Senior Research Fellow, Gender Politics and Gender Equality, Human Rights, Immigration, Minorities, International Courts and Governance, Southeast Europe