Ioannis Armakolas participated once again at the annual European Integration School, in Tirana on October 28, with a keynote speech on “The need for a strategic role of the Western Balkan countries in EU’s foreign policy”.

Inter alia he analyzed the current political and strategic landscape in Southeast Europe, the current status of the EU – NATO membership of the countries in the region, the extent of their alignment with EU’s foreign policy, the public perceptions of EU, NATO and other powers in the Western Balkan countries, the EU’s “self – defeating” policies in the region and the vacuum created for third players. He also talked about the new geopolitical challenges in the region, following Russia’s invasion and the limits of the EU’s role in Southeast Europe.

The European School of Integration is an important activity to support identifying and involving prominent stakeholders from all institutions, civil society organizations and other stakeholders who can contribute with their expertise to Albania’s accession negotiation process in the European Union.




Δημοσίευση: Monday October 31st, 2022
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme