Ioannis Armakolas participated in the hybrid event, organized on April 4 by the Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER) on the occasion of the publication of a report on the “Commercial interconnection between Greece and North Macedonia: the Prespa Agreement in relation to trade names, trademarks and brands”.

In his intervention, he pointed out that for the outstanding issues – such as that of trademarks – of the Prespa agreement cooperation and constructive approach are needed between the two sides, as the Treaty itself offers a “positive agenda”, which has not yet been properly reached its full potential also due to lack of political will mainly on the part of the Greek side.

“We can always defend our side in terms of legally resolving such issues- for the business world in this case-, but at the same timewe must not confuse the wood with the trees. Afterall, the agreement offers important strategies of national interest and multiple tools to resolve such issues,” Armakolas said. “The most important thing lost, since the signing of the agreement to this date, is the consolidation of trust between the two societies,” he added.

You may watch the event at the following link:




Δημοσίευση: Monday April 10th, 2023
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme