New book chapter by Dr. Angeliki Dimitriadi, Senior Research Fellow, Head of ELIAMEP’s Migration Programme, and Prof. Ayhan Kaya ‘EU Turkey relations on migration: transactional partnership’, in Saatcioglu, B& Tekin, F. (2021) Turkey and the European Union: Key Dynamics and Future Scenarios [Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft].

A product of the H2020 three year project FEUTURE, the volume studies the enduring complexity of EU-Turkey relations in all their thematic dimensions and with a view to offering future scenarios. It accomplishes three important aims. First, following a narratives analysis, the chapters analysing identity, politics, the economy, security, migration and energy identify the key dynamics that impact the relationship in these areas. Second, they evaluate how these drivers influence the three ideal-type future scenarios of convergence, cooperation and conflict, subsequently offering a relationship scenario for each thematic area. Third, the volume synthesises the chapters’ individual findings and argues that conflictual cooperation is the most likely scenario in future EU-Turkey relations.




Δημοσίευση: Friday March 19th, 2021
Angeliki Dimitriadi Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Migration Programme