On 31 October 2011, Ambassador (ret.) Alexandros Mallias, ELIAMEP Special Advisor, participated in the international conference organized by the British Council in Prishtina on ‘Kosovo Talks EU’. On behalf of ELIAMEP, Dr. Ioannis Armakolas, ELIAMEP Research Fellow Stavros Kostopoulos and Ass. Professor Dimitrios Sotiropoulos also participated in the same conference.

Read the speech delivered by Amb. Alexandros Mallias.


Also, on 10 November, he participated in the international conference ‘Deepening the democratization of the region as criteria for peace and stability in the Western Balkans’, held in Tirana. Participants were the Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans, civil society representatives, academics and media.

Read his speech in Tirana and view the programme of the conference and the list of participants.




Δημοσίευση: Tuesday November 22nd, 2011