A book launch event for the title: Greece in the Euro: Economic Delinquency or System Failure? written by Research Fellow of ELIAMEP, Dr Eleni Panagiotarea, took place on Monday 13 January 2014, at 19:30. Mr Kyriakos Mitsotakis (Minister of Administration Reform and e-Governance, Professor Loukas Tsoukalis (University of Athens and President of ELIAMEP) and Professor Gikas Hardouvelis (University of Piraeus) spoke on the book. The event took place at Onassis Cultural Centre (107-109 Syngrou Avenue).




Δημοσίευση: Wednesday January 8th, 2014
Book launch event: Greece in the Euro: Economic Delinquency or System Failure?
Eleni Panagiotarea Research Fellow, European policy and economics
Loukas Tsoukalis President of the Board, ELIAMEP, Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens