Dr. Panagiota Manoli, Head of the Slavic, East-European and Eurasian Studies Programme of ELIAMEP participated at the 7th European Forum of Think Tanks, organised in La Valetta on 27 and 28 February 2017, by the Jacques Delors Institute with the support of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This Forum linked to the Think Global – Act European (TGAE) initiative, is entitled “The EU’s Neighbourhood: How to Stabilise the Ring of Fire?” and it gathers a group of 40 prominent speakers and researchers engaged in the EU Neighbourhood Policy on the fields of security, governance, economy and migration.




Δημοσίευση: Wednesday March 1st, 2017
Panagiota Manoli Research Fellow, Comparative regionalism; European Neighborhood Policy