Alexandra Voudouri spoke in the European Economic and Social Committee‘s podcast “The Grassroots View” together with Oliver Röpke, President of the EESC, Biljana Spasovska from the Balkan Civil Society Development Network and Danuta Hübner, former Polish Minister of European Affairs and MEP.

In the episode titled “Crossroads of the Union: EU enlargement and the Balkans aspirations”, Ms. Voudouri spoke about the important work of journalists and media from the Western Balkans and how they hold their governments to account, as well as about the perceptions and sentiments of the region’s citizens about the EU and the role of civil society. She also referred to the responsibilities of the Council and the Commission on the issue of enlargement. Finally, with regard to the action of regional powers in the region, she said that the EU has a very strong presence in terms of economic aid, investment and mediation in bilateral disputes, and is the only power that is actually trying to provide solutions to the multi-level problems facing the region. Nevertheless, Ms. Voudouri stressed that the EU must finally deliver its long-overdue commitments.

You can listen to the episode here and in the following links on Spotify, Google, Apple and Soundcloud.

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Δημοσίευση: Wednesday December 13th, 2023
The Grassroots View Podcast: “Crossroads of the Union: EU enlargement and the Balkans aspirations” – Alexandra Voudouri
Alexandra Voudouri Research Fellow, Journalist, media analysis, Foreign & European affairs policies