JOURNALSenior Research Fellow of ELIAMEP and Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at Panteion University of Social Sciences Dr Dia Anagnostou and Professor of Democratization Studies at Hertie School of Governance Alina Mungiu-Pippidi published the article ‘Domestic Implementation of Human Rights Judgments in Europe: Legal Infrastructure and Government Effectiveness Matter‘ in European Journal of International Law [(2014), Vol. 25 (1), pp. 205-227]. The study inquires into the factors that account for variable patterns of state compliance with its judgments. Why do national authorities in some states adopt a more prompt and responsive attitude in implementing these judgments, in contrast to other states that procrastinate or respond reluctantly? On the basis of a large-N study of the Strasbourg Court’s judgments and a comparison across nine states, this article argues that variation in state implementation performance is closely linked to the overall legal infrastructure capacity and government effectiveness of a state. When such capacity and effectiveness are high and diffused, the adverse judgments of the Strasbourg Court are unlikely to be obstructed or ignored, even when the government, political elites, or other actors are reluctant and not in favour of substantive remedies.

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Dia Anagnostou Senior Research Fellow, Gender Politics and Gender Equality, Human Rights, Immigration, Minorities, International Courts and Governance, Southeast Europe