The Field Visits of CLANDESTINO in the 12 EU countries studied are undertaken by PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants) and have a twofold aim: a) to disseminate the findings of the research on irregular migration conducted in the EU countries studied under the CLANDESTINO project to an audience of local and national stakeholders in the field, namely immigrant organisations, NGOs, media professionals and local and national authorities, and b) to get these actors’ feedback and thus enrich the policy relevance output and the transparency of the research conducted. Please find below the relevant Field Visit Reports for the 12 EU countries studied.

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Austria
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – AUSTRIA

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Czech Republic
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – CZECH REPUBLIC

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – France
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – FRANCE

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Germany
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – GERMANY

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Greece
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – GREECE

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Hungary
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – HUNGARY

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Italy
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – ITALY

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – The Netherlands
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – THE NETHERLANDS

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Poland
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – POLAND

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Slovakia
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – SLOVAKIA

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – Spain
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – SPAIN

Title: Undocumented migration. Counting the Uncountable. Field Visit Report – United Kingdom
Authors: Martina Fava
Publication type: Field visit report CLANDESTINO project
Publication date: October 2009
Field Visit Report – UNITED KINGDOM
Categories: All publications
CLANDESTINO: Field Visit Reports
Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto