The regional environment in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf region, as well as the broader Middle East, has been radically transformed after the end of the Cold War, and even more after 9/11 and the American wars against Iraq and Afghanistan. The Arab Revolts will probably cause an exponential increase in the region’s volatility and unpredictability. Although Greek economic and political interests in South-eastern Europe and relations with Turkey will continue to be Greece’s top foreign policy priorities, the Mediterranean/Middle East is becoming a region of growing importance. ELIAMEP new, bimonthly, Middle East-Mediterranean  Report aims to present the major developments in the aforementioned regions and analyze their consequences.You can read the first volume here.

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23914Middle East – Mediterranean Report, 1st issue
Middle East Research Project (MERP)
George Tzogopoulos
Evangelos TembosThanos Dokos