
With President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis scheduled to meet early this January, Dr. George Tzogopoulos, Research Fellow at ELIAMEP, outlines the course of Greek-American relations from 2015 onwards. Dr. Tzogopoulos argues that Athens and Washington DC have entered a period of strong cooperation that can be further consolidated in 2020. Defense, energy and trade are the main focal points. The agenda includes the need to create a new security environment in the Mediterranean – with Greece playing a key role.

  • The excellent status of Greek-American relations creates new opportunities for closer bilateral cooperation on defense, energy and trade.
  • The region of Northern Greece becomes of gradually higher significance for the US.
  • US foreign policy towards Greece reflects its interest in restraining Russian influence.
  • While anti-Americanism in Greece is declining, there is widespread concern in the domestic public sphere on whether the US will support Greece in the case of a crisis with Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • US support to the trilateral cooperation of Greece-Israel-Cyprus will be reinforced through the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act.
  • The US-Greece Strategic Dialogue and NATO Mediterranean Dialogue are useful instruments for strengthening Greece’s role in the South, contributing towards a new security landscape.

You may find the Policy Brief here.

Categories: All publicationsPolicy briefs
George Tzogopoulos Senior Research Fellow, Media; International relations; Chinese affairs