All EMILIE project reports on education and cultural diversity in Europe.

Title: Public and political debates on multicultural crises in Denmark
Authors: Sine Lex and Per Mouritsen, University of Aaarhus
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: The political and policy responses to migration-related diversity in the French education system
Authors Valérie Sala Pala and Patrick Simon, INED
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: German Education Policy and the Challenge of Migration
Author: Frauke Miera, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: Greek education policy and the challenge of migration. An intercultural view of assimilation
Authors: Ruby Gropas and Anna Triandafyllidou,ELIAMEP
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: Multicultural Education in Latvia
Author: Ilze Brands Kehris, Latvian Centre for Human Rights
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: Educational Challenges Posed by Migration to Poland
Authors: Katarzyna Gmaj, Centre for International Relations, Warsaw
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: Spanish Approaches to the Management of Cultural Diversity in Compulsory Education
Authors: Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Nynke de Witte, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Title: The political and policy responses to migration related cultural diversity in the British education system
Authors: Nasar Meer and Tariq Modood, Bristol University
Publication type: Project report
Publication date: November 2007
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Categories: All publications
EMILIE – Reports on Education and Cultural Diversity in Europe
Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto