The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy and the Athens-Macedonian News Agency are organizing an online discussion within the framework of the project ‘CoEurope’ on the topic: EU Cohesion Policy in Greece and the Role of the Greek Regions.

George Andreou, Researcher, ELIAMEP | Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Alekos Kritikos, Special Advisor, ELIAMEP | Former Senior Official, European Commission | Former General Secretary, European Commission. Secretary, Ministry of Interior
Maria Kostopoulou, Head of Unit A – Strategy and Policy Monitoring, Special Service for the Coordination of Evaluation Planning and Implementation (SEPAE), Ministry of Economy and Finance
Peri Bazoti, PhD Candidate, National Council of Greece

Chrysostomos Bikatzik, Journalist, APPE-MPA

The invitation is available in Greek here.

You can read the Athens-Macedonian News Agency’s feature on the event here.