The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is hosting a roundtable discussion on: EU migration policy

Migration from Asia and Africa into Europe has become an explosive issue, with local tensions fuelling the rise of anti-migration political parties, typically but not exclusively on the far right. The recent success of AfD and BSW in regional elections in Germany, and the advances of xenophobic movements in France, the Netherlands, Sweden, as well as Spain, Italy, and Greece, seem to suggest that European citizens have turned against migration.

And yet, labour shortages in the short run, and ageing populations in the longer run, both suggest European prosperity might be unthinkable without a sensible migration policy, coupled with a serious effort to integrate migrants in host societies.

Our roundtable will assess current migration policy in Europe, and discuss what can realistically be done to square the circle. Is the new EU pact on migration and asylum a step in that direction? Is migration policy in countries like Greece (and Italy) serving the national economies’ needs? Are recent initiatives to attract high-skilled migrants effective? Do good practices exist, including from other countries in Europe and beyond, that policy makers might wish to build upon?


Angeliki Dimitriadi, Head, Migration Programme, ELIAMEP

Elias Dinas, Professor, European University Institute, Florence

Tommaso Frattini, Professor of Economics, University of Milan

Evgenia Vella, Assistant Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business



Manos Matsaganis, Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan; Head of the Greek & European Economy Programme, ELIAMEP

The invitation is available here.