The European Academy of Berlin (EAB) and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are organizing a two-day seminar on “Europe Facing Multiple Challenges: Media in the Age of the Digital Revolution”. The seminar was held on 27 – 28 November 2017 at Porto Rio Hotel in Patras.

The added value of the European Union is overshadowed today by a variety of political, economic challenges, and is also faced with security issues. These challenges affect all social groups and countries, including Germany and Greece. The Eurosceptic speech is fueled by misinformation, fake news and prejudices that spread rapidly on the internet. The digital revolution has made the work of traditional media much easier, but at the same time it has brought many challenges. Direct contact with the source is still the best way to get valid information. In brief, the issues discussed are as follows:


– Economics, Refugees and the Digital Revolution: Europe Facing Multiple Challenges

– Action against radicalization, encouraging cooperation: Examples of good practices from Germany and Greece

– Between solidarity and security: Integration and social cohesion in Germany and Greece

– What are we doing with the fake news? New media and political dialogue

– Sustainability of media in times of economic crisis

– Positions of the Federal Republic of Germany on European Policy issues