European Institutions & Policies | ‘Academia’ Hall of the Palace Hotel in Zagreb (Trg Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 10)
Workshop – ‘Media Policies: Country Practices within the EU Media Regulatory Framework’
December 10, 2010
European Institutions & Policies | Amphitheatre “Y. Kranidiotis” at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Event – «Aftershocks: Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice», 18/11/2010
November 18, 2010
European Institutions & Policies | Αrchitectural Center of Messogiou in Chania, Crete
Event in Chania (Crete) – “How to cope with the crisis?”
September 11, 2010
European Institutions & Policies | Amphitheatre “Y. Kranidiotis” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1, Akadimias Str.)
Round-table discussion – “Europe in crisis?”, 10/06/2010
June 10, 2010