European Institutions & Policies | Offices of the Representation of European Commission in Greece 2 Vas. Sofias Ave., Athens
Public Discussion, ‘Μedia Pluralism in Greece: Appraisal, Challenges and Perspectives’
November 14, 2017
European Institutions & Policies | Auditorium of DIKEMES/CYA (5, Stadiou Square, Kallimarmaro, Athens)
“Potential ‘Catalonia’ Crisis”
November 13, 2017
European Institutions & PoliciesSecurity & Foreign Policy | Representation of the European Union in Athens Vasilissis Sofias 2, Athens
“New Euro-Mediterranean Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean”
November 10, 2017
European Institutions & Policies | Offices of the European Commission Representation in Greece 2, Vas. Sofias Avenue, 106 74, Athens
Conference: «EaP: Looking beyond the 2017 Summit»
November 8, 2017
European Institutions & Policies | Αίθουσα διαλέξεων του Ινστιτούτου Διεθνών Οικονομικών Σχέσεων, Πανεπιστημίου 16, β΄ όροφος
Seminars by ELIAMEP and IDOS on Greece and the future of Europe
November 1, 2017 - December 6, 2017
Security & Foreign Policy | Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center Book Castle of the National Library of Greece
“Athens meets Detroit: The importance of civic engagement and social accountability”
September 25, 2017