Security & Foreign Policy | Office of the European Parliament in Greece (2, Xenophontos str., Athens)
Roundtable discussion: “Pipelines and Hydrocarbons: Geostrategic and Economic Aspects”
February 12, 2020
Security & Foreign PolicyTurkey Programme | Representation of the European Commission in Greece - conference room (2-4, Vas. Sofias Ave. 106 74)
Discussion: “EU-Turkey Relations: What Policy Challenges? Security and Energy”
February 21, 2019
Security & Foreign Policy | University of Aegean, Hall "Simone De Beauvoir", Building 7 Martiou, Dimokratias 1, Rodos
“Women and security: Challenges and Perspectives”
November 22, 2018
MigrationSecurity & Foreign Policy | European Parliament Information Office in Greece 8, Amalias Avenue, 105 57 Athens
The EU-Turkey Statement and the future of asylum
November 14, 2018
Security & Foreign Policy | Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese
Instability and insecurity in the wider Mediterranean region and the implications for European security
November 1, 2018