Security & Foreign Policy | Institure of International Economic Relation (IDOS)
Seminars by ELIAMEP and IDOS on the future of Turkey
November 16, 2016 - December 14, 2016
Security & Foreign Policy | Bilgi University (Istanbul)
FEUTURE kick off meeting
May 26, 2016 - December 27, 2016
MigrationSecurity & Foreign Policy | B & M Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts and Music (9, Vas. Sofias Avenue & 1, Merlin Street, 106 71 Athens)
Public Debate: ‘Migration, refugees and European Security: Fostering co-operation, building coalitions’
May 10, 2016
Security & Foreign Policy | Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auditorium G. Kranidiotis)
Public Debate: ‘The New Silk Road, OBOR and Greece’, 30/032016
March 30, 2016
European Institutions & PoliciesSecurity & Foreign Policy | Old Parliament Building (Kolokotroni Square, 13 Stadiou Street, Athens)
ELIAMEP to launch its White Book
March 15, 2016