The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) participates as a co-organizer of the Civil Society and Think Tank Forum, which will take place in the framework of the Berlin Process Summit in October 2023 in Tirana (as Albania holds the rotating Presidency of the process). The Forum is co-organised by the Open Society Foundation (OSF) and the Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI).

The first online meeting of the “Politics of Enlargement” thematic group led by ELIAMEP took place on 28 June 2023. Over 30 influential experts from the Western Balkans and the EU exchanged views on the current challenges and the next steps on the path of the region’s EU accession. The purpose of these meetings is to provide a high-level analysis of the situation that is taking shape in the light of the war in Ukraine and the impact it may have on the Western Balkans’ accession process. The outcome of this analysis will be the drafting of policy recommendations to be presented at the Tirana Forum next October.

Simultaneously, experts from ELIAMEP’s Southeast Europe Programme participate in the consultation meetings of the other thematic groups, actively contributing to the formulation of the relevant policy recommendations.

241451st online meeting of the “Politics of Enlargement” thematic group
Civil Society Think Tank Forum (Berlin Process Summit 2023)
Ioannis Armakolas
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