Under the auspices of the Municipality of Xiromero and Europe Direct Region of Western Greece, the European Programme “Ariane Condellis” is organizing an event on ” The regions of Europe and the EU: A symbiotic relationship ” on 17 May 2024 at the Event Hall in Municipality Center of Astakos, Aitoloakarnania.

This panel discussion explores the dynamic and mutually beneficial relationship between regions and the European Union. Speakers will delve into how EU policies influence regional and local policies and priorities, shedding light on the balance between regional autonomy and EU-wide cooperation. They will also highlight the wider importance of citizens’ participation in the European Parliament elections and EU political life in general.


  • Athanasios Mavrommatis, Vice- Governor of Aitoloakarnania Region
  • Giannis Triantafillakis, Mayor, Municipality of Xiromero
  • Spyros Blavoukos, Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business/ Head of the European Programme “Ariane Condellis” at ELIAMEP

The discussion will be moderated by journalist Elina Makri.

The participants are invited to arrive at 17:30.

The European Programme “ParticipatEU” is co-funded by the European Union.

24157The regions of Europe and the EU: A symbiotic relationship
Spyros Blavoukos
Savvas PapadopoulosDimitris Kollias