On the occasion of the completion of the project “Civil Society Network in the Context fo the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Greece”, which was implemented by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the Icelandic Human Rights Centre in the context of the Active citizens fund programme, ELIAMEP is organising a workshop on Civil Society Organisations: the Networking Challenge (Wednesday, 20 December 2023, 10:30-15:00 – Gisèle Vivier Amphitheatre, French Institute, Sina 31, Αθήνα, 10680).

The workshop aims not only to present the results of the project but also to engage in a broader dialogue with professors, researchers and representatives of non-profit foundations and organizations on the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Greece, as well as the benefits and opportunities offered by the closer and more effective networking of civil society actors.

The event programme is available here.

To attend the event, register here.