ELIAMEP participates at the 11th Regional Growth Conference on March 16-18, hosted at the Conference & Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece as knowledge partner.


Thursday 16 March, 8:10- 19:20, discussion on:

“Russia-Ukraine War: The Day After”

After 3 years of a global pandemic and almost a year of war in Europe, 75 years after the end of the previous one, the EU has to reorient its narrative and policy priorities, establishing a solid geopolitical identity and addressing geopolitical risks in its neighborhood. Which are the Key priorities of the EU as a Global Actor?


Alexia Tasouli, Diplomatic Correspondent, OPEN TV


Sergii Shutenko, Ukraine Ambassador to Greece

George Pagoulatos, Director General, ELIAMEP|Professor, Athens University of Economics & Business

Nicoletta Pirozzi, Institutional Relations Mngr.; Head EU, Politics Institutions Programme, Instituto Affari

George Papadimitrakopoulos, Research Associate, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy

Dr. Elena Lazarou, Head, External Policies, European Parliament’s Research Service

David Sassoon, Chairman of Joseph Sassoon Investment Management LLC

You can watch live streaming here.


Thursday 16 March, 17:40- 18:40, discussion on:

“Asymmetries of Regional Growth: Financial Tools, Institutions & the Relationship between Public & Private sector”


Petros Kavasallis, President, E-Kyklos & Professor, University of the Aegean


Yannis Caloghirou, Professor, Economics of Technology & Industrial Strategy, National Technical University of Athens

Alekos Kritikos, Senior Policy Advisor, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)

Giota Gazi, fmr Mayor of Amfissa, Deputy Governor of Phocis

You can watch live streaming here.


Saturday 18 March, 10:00-11:50, discussion on:

“Artificial Intelligence & Societal Digitalization: Great Expectations & Challenges to Social Justice”

You can find more information here.

You can watch live streaming here.


Saturday 18 March, 11:50-12:45, discussion on:

“Artificial Intelligence and Democracy”


Spyros Blavoukos, Associate Professor, International & European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics & Business


Yannis Caloghirou, Professor, Economics of Technology & Industrial Strategy, National Technical University of Athens

Nikolaos Avouris, Professor of Software technology & Human-Computer Interaction, University of Patras.

Dimitris Dimitriadis, Chief Innovation Officer, The Future Cats

You can watch live streaming here.


You can watch all events here.