EUYouthHub and Young European Federalists Athens-Pireus co-organised a World Café discussion for their members on democracy within the European Union (EU), in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The event was coordinated by Spyros Blavoukos, Senior Research Fellow, and Head of the Ariane Condellis Programme at ELIAMEP and Associate Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), while Dr. Alexandros Kyriakidis, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow of the Ariane Condellis Programme at ELIAMEP, gave the introductory lecture. Participants were split in two groups in order to discuss two sub-themes: first, the impact of social media misinformation on democracy within the EU, and second, the institutional balance in the EU’s democratic governance, including the role of member states in it. A report outlining the ideas of, and issues raised by, participants will be uploaded to the Conference’s Platform.