Alexandra Mourgou

Alexandra Mourgou

Researcher, HOMEACROSS project (2021-2022); Cultural geography, Architecture, Urbanism

Alexandra Mourgou worked as a doctoral researcher in the ERC Starting Grant HOMEACROSS from 2021-2022. She was coordinator of the program “Music as a bridge of Memory” in collaboration with the Centre for Minor Asia Studies. Her research interests include questions of space, culture, music and urbanization in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans.

Beyond her engagement with ELIAMEP, she is pursuing a joint PhD degree in urban cultural geography at the National Technical University of Athens [NTUA] & University Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne [UP1] with a thesis on the evolution of popular music and the blossoming of rebetiko in the refugee – working class neighborhoods of Piraeus, during the Interwar period. She is a licensed architectural engineer (MA/MSc, NTUA) and Urban Planner (post-master in ENSAPLV joint degree with EHESS). Her doctoral studies were funded by the Eugenides Foundation and the Hellenic Foundation of Research and Innovation.

She has worked in research programs hosted by the National Hellenic Research Foundation [NHRF] & NTUA. Her research on the interplay of urbanism, cultural geography and music has been widely published in Journals, and presented in Conferences. Her first book titled “Drapetsona” was published in 2017 in Athens while in 2021 she participated in the collective volume Space Interweavings – ethos, Social practices, architecture.

Beyond the walls of academia, she has participated in music performances in Athens and in Paris. She has studied traditional and classic music (vocals, piano, baglama, guitar) and earned a degree in piano, theory of music and harmony from the National Conservatory of Greece.

Part of her work can be found in
