Anna Kandyla

Anna Kandyla

Research Fellow, Media and Political Communication, European Politics, Political Participation, Democracy

Anna Kandyla is a Research Fellow at ELIAMEP. She holds a BA in Communication and Mass Media from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and an MA in Political Behaviour from the University of Essex. She completed her doctoral studies in 2020 with a thesis on the contribution of the European Citizens’ Initiative in reducing the democratic deficit of the European Union.

Her work relates to contemporary debates about democratic politics and legitimacy. Her research interests comprise media and political communication as well as the study of political attitudes, participation and institutions with a particular focus on the European Union. Anna uses both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Indicative publications (peer-reviewed):

What Triggers the Intention to Use the European Citizens’ Initiative? The Role of Benefits, Values and Efficacy, Anna Kandyla & Sergiu Gherghina, Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(6), 1223-1239, 2018, DOI

The Creative Europe Programme: Policy-Making Dynamics and Outcomes, Anna Kandyla, in Psychogiopoulou, E. (ed.) Cultural Governance and the European Union. Protecting and Promoting Cultural Diversity in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 49-62, 2015, DOI

Media Policy-Making in Greece: Lessons from Digital Terrestrial Television and the Restructuring of Public Service Broadcasting, Evangelia Psychogiopoulou & Anna Kandyla, International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 9(2), pp. 133–152, 2013, DOI

The Greek Media Policy Revisited, Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Anna Kandyla & Dia Anagnostou, in Psychogiopoulou, E. (ed.) Understanding Media Policies. A European Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan, 133-149, 2012, DOI

News Media Representations of a Common EU Foreign and Security Policy. A Cross-National Content Analysis of CFSP Coverage in National Quality Newspapers, Anna Kandyla & Claes De Vreese, Comparative European Politics, 9(1), 52–75, 2011, DOI

News Framing and Public support for a Common Foreign and Security Policy, Claes De Vreese & Anna Kandyla, Journal of Common Market Studies, 47(3), 453-481, 2009, DOI
