Effie Fokas

Effie Fokas

Senior Research Fellow, Religion; Religion & Law; Culture politics esfokas@eliamep.gr

Effie Fokas is a Senior Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), where she has carried out a number of projects relevant to religion, politics and law. Her most recent project at ELIAMEP is a European Research Council-funded study of grassroots mobilizations around religion-related case law of the European Court of Human Rights (Grassrootsmobilise; 2014-2019).

Dr. Fokas is also Assistant Professor of International Relations and European Affairs at the American College of Greece (Athens), and a Research Associate of the London School of Economics Hellenic Observatory. Her background is in political science and she holds a PhD in political sociology from the London School of Economics.

Her publications include Religious America, Secular Europe?, co-authored with Peter Berger and Grace Davie; Islam in Europe: Diversity, Identity and Influence, co-edited with Aziz Al-Azmeh; The European Court of Human Rights and Minority Religions, co-edited with James T. Richardson; and over 60 articles and book chapters exploring religion in relation to politics, law, human rights, nationalism, and European identity.

You can find a detailed CV here.
