Irene Keremidou

Irene Keremidou

Project Manager and Researcher, RESCUER and APPRAISE «Horizon 2020» projects

Irene Keremidou serves as Project Manager and researcher at the «Horizon 2020» projects: RESCUER and APPRAISE. Mrs. Keremidou has extensive experience in the preparation, submission and management of various EU projects in the field of security.

She worked as economic and administrative coordinator (2018-20) for more than thirty EU «Horizon 2020» και «Interreg» EU projects at the Institute of Information Technology of the Hellenic Centre for Research and Technological Development (EKETA), Ministry of Development. She has also worked as researcher at the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) –the think-tank of the Ministry of the Citizen Protection– in the fields of counter-terrorism, radicalization and organized crime. Mrs. Keremidou has participated in the preparation of the security plans of various public and private organizations as well as in the organization of inter-service simulation «table-top» exercises and training programs for «first respondents» in the domains of counter-terrorism and cyber-security. She is the co-author of a series of technical documentation, manuals and guides published by the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) regarding –inter alia— «best practices» for the prevention and management of suicide bombers, «active shooters» and «suspect mail».

She worked as scientific advisor at the Office of the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (2013-15) and at the Office for EU Projects and International Relations of the Region of Western Macedonia and Thrace (2011-12). She is a graduate of the Democritus University (Department of Language, Literature and Civilization of the Black Sea Countries) and she also holds a postgraduate degree in International and European Economic Studies from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). She speaks Greek, English, Russian and Turkish.
