Evangelos Tembos

Evangelos Tembos

Research Associate; Expert-Minister, Counsellor, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union & European Defence Policy

Dr. Evangelos Tembos studied “History” at The American College of Greece, Deree College, Political Science & Public Administration at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, and “Directing” at the Lycourgos Stavrakos Hellenic Cinema & Television School.

He obtained a Doctorate Degree in “Military History” from the University of York in Great Britain and two Postgraduate Degrees, one from the University of Birmingham and the second οne from Panteion University specializing on “European Union and Developing Countries”, that was co-organized by the Second Jean Monnet European Seat of Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences and the Institute of International Relations (IDIS).

He is member of many Greek think-tanks and research centres (ELIAMEP, ELΙSME-HEL.I.S.S-Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies, CEMMIS-Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies, Institute of Democracy “Konstantinos Karamanlis”, etc) and abroad (IISS), and his research interests focus mainly on the bilateral Greek-Turkish relations, the Cyprus issue, the Balkan affairs and the EU Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common [European] Security & Defence Policy (CSDP).

He works as an Expert-Minister, Counsellor οn ‘European Union & European Defence Policy’ at the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs & he is a Research Associate of ELIAMEP since 1996.

Since February 2012, he was the co-editor of ΕLIAMEP’s bimonthly English-language electronic newsletter titled ’Middle East Mediterranean’. Until the end of 2013 he was responsible for the column “Ιnternational Institutions & Greece” of ELIAMEP’s blog. Αfter the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, he was responsible for ELIAMEP’s internet column titled “ELIAMEP joins the debate on the Ukrainian crisis”.

Since 2010, Dr. Ilias-Tembos, concurrently with his main occupation as a Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ official, works as a Senior Research Associate of the Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies (CEMMIS) of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese and since 2000, as a Senior Research Fellow & Strategic Analyst of the Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.) in Athens.
