Eylem Yanardağoğlu

Eylem Yanardağoğlu

Research Fellow, Turkey Programme

Eylem Yanardağoğlu is professor at the New Media and Communication department of Yaşar University in Turkey. She received her PhD in Sociology at City, University of London in 2008. She had previously taught at Bahçeşehir University and Kadir Has University in Turkey.

Having published extensively on the state of media in Turkey, her research interests include digital citizenship, digital journalism, digital platforms, international communication and transnational expansion of Turkish TV series. She also has a particular interest in Greek-Turkish media and journalism studies.

Eylem teaches at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Msc Program in Media and Refugee/Migration Flows, as well as the MA program in Digital Transformation at Panteion University in Athens as a guest lecturer. She is a member of ESA (European Sociological Association) and IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research). She also collaborates with global organizations such a Meta, BBC Academy, ICANN in organizing various seminars, roundtable and training sessions on digital journalism, media literacy and digital citizenship. Her research on citizenship, media and activism, digital news consumption, Europeanization of media policy in Turkey as well as and transnationalization of Turkish TV products were published in journals such as International Journal of Communication, Global Media and Communication, Journal of Digital Media and Policy, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. She is the author of the monograph entitled Transformation of the Media System in Turkey: Citizenship, Communication, and Convergence, published by Palgrave in 2021 .
