Lydia Avrami

Lydia Avrami

Research Fellow, Environmental governance

Lydia Avrami is a researcher at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and postdoctoral scholar of the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). Her postdoctoral research project, conducted at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (University of Athens) (2017-2019), focuses on the social dimensions of climate change policy in times of crisis. She is a member of the research team of the project “Sustainable Tourism Development: Diving Tourism in Marine Protected Areas and Thermalism in Areas of Thermal Natural Resources” conducted by the National Center for Social Research (EKKE) (2017-2020). She co-lectures the course “Environmental Governance” of the Postgraduate Programme “International and European Studies” of the Department of Political Science (University of Athens) (2018-2019) in collaboration with Assoc. Professor Em. Doussis.

She studied Political Science and Public Administration (BSc) and European and International Studies (MSc) at the University of Athens. She was awarded with distinction her Ph.D. in European climate change policy from the University of Athens (2015) and she was Scholar of the A.G. Leventis Foundation (2011-2014). She was Visiting Researcher at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany (January-May 2014). Her research interests focus on energy and climate change policy, social and environmental inequalities, environmental policy effectiveness and the role of interest groups.

Her recent publications include:

Local communities, Marine Protected Areas and Diving Tourism in Cyclades. Avrami L., Demertzis N., Armenakis A., The Greek Review of Social Research, 156, 139-173, 2021 [in Greek] DOI:

Social aspects of the Greek climate change policy in times of crisis: Environmental Taxation and Energy Poverty. Avrami L., Greek Political Science Review, 45 (1), 114-150, 2019. [in Greek] DOI:

Social and Environmental Inequalities within European countries in times of crisis: An empirical comparative analysis. Avrami L., The Greek Review of Social Research, 152, 3-44, 2019. [in Greek] DOI:

Measuring and explaining the EU’s Effect on National Climate Performance, Avrami L., Sprinz D., Environmental Politics, 822-846, 2018. DOI:

European Environmental Policy and the Greek Reality, Avrami L., In Ν. Maravegias and Th.Sakellaropoulos (eds.) Greece and European Integration 1962-2018, Athens: Dionikos, 245-279, 2018 [in Greek].

Lessons learned from Kyoto: Assessing the effectiveness of European and international cooperation, Avrami L., Journal of European and International Policy, 39, 2017 [in Greek].

Guide: The Greek parliament and the European Union, Chatzistavrou F., Avrami L., Official Publications of the EU, European Commission Representation in the Greece, 2013 [in Greek].
