Nikolaos E. Farantouris

Nikolaos E. Farantouris

Senior Policy Advisor (2020-2023); Professor, University of Piraeus
Dr. Nikolaos E. Farantouris is Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law and Director of the MSc in Energy Strategy, Law & Economic at the International & European Studies Department, University of Piraeus, Greece. He studied law at the University of Athens and completed a Master’s degree (MJur) in European and Comparative Law and a Doctorate (DPhil) in European Law, both at the University of Oxford.
His work focuses on EU business law, competition law including state aids, energy law and regulation, shipping law, environmental protection and international trade law. He has published 10 monographs, textbooks and edited volumes and more than 50 papers in scientific legal journals and periodical editions including European Competition Law Review (ECLR), Revue du Marché Commun et de l’Union européenne (RMCUE), Revue de l’Energie, Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law, Revue des Affaires Européennes (RAE), European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL). He has held posts as adjunct professor, research associate or visiting professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Dresden University Germany, Athens University, European University Cyprus, Bahçeşehir University Istanbul, Oxford University et al. He has worked in Goldman Sachs’ Legal & Compliance Department in London and in Norton Rose LLP Competition & EU Law Department in London, Brussels and Athens, where he handled major antitrust, merger control, multinational cartel and state aid cases in the banking, energy, maritime and air transport sectors, before national and international authorities, the EU Commission and the European Court of Justice. He has also gained experience as a Board member of Hellenic Competition Commission, a member of the Legal Committee of the Union of Greek Shipowners, a member of the Board of Directors, General Counsel and Chairman (caretaker) of the Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA) S.A. and Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of EUROGAS.
He is a member of the Energy Committee of the Academy of Athens.
