The newest issue of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies is a special issue entitled ‘Global and regional repercussions of the Ukrainian crisis,’ and edited by ELIAMEP Research Fellow Panagiota Manoli. It is prefaced by Ino Afentouli, and then introduced by the guest editor. The contributions are based on papers delivered by a conference organised by ELIAMEP in January entitled ‘Back to the Cold War or forward to a stable relationship?’ and supported by NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The articles include a piece by Alexey Gromyko on Russia/EU relations in an era of polycentricity, Sharyl Cross on NATO-Russia security challenges and Theodoros Tsakiris, also a Research Fellow of ELIAMEP, on regional energy concerns. Hanna Shelest also contributes a piece on Russia’s role in Ukraine, Stephen Blockmans analyses the governance gap in the Black Sea and the quest for energy and military hegemony and Nadia Arbatova discusses security relations in the region.

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Categories: All publicationsSoutheast European and Black Sea Studies
Panagiota Manoli Research Fellow, Comparative regionalism; European Neighborhood Policy