It is with deep sadness that ELIAMEP announces the death of Mahmoud Alnaouq, a young researcher killed with his family during the bombardment of Gaza in October.

Mahmoud Alnaouq was 26 and collaborating with ELIAMEP via the Gaza-based Palthink think tank within the framework of the European research project ‘Embracing change: Overcoming obstacles and advancing democracy in the European Neighbourhood’ (EMBRACE).

Mahmoud Alnaouq’s research was directed at achieving a better understanding of democratization processes and the obstacles that impede them in newly-established democracies in the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe. The EMBRACE research project seeks to contribute to improved EU policies for the promotion of democracy through a better understanding of this phenomenon.

The death of our colleague Mahmoud Alnaouq, the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza, the terrorist attack in Israel, and the crisis in the wider Middle East region are all tragic reminders of the weakness and injustice that characterise international politics today. They demand both constant vigilance on our part and tireless efforts to build a more just and peaceful international community.

We extend our sincere condolences to Mahmoud Alnaouq’s family, and to our colleagues at Palthink.