Ιn our latest podcast, Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, Professor of Political Science at the University of Athens and Senior Research Fellow at ELIAMEP, and author of the book The irregular pendulum of democracy: populism, clientelism and corruption in post-Yugoslav successor states recently published by Palgrave MacMillan, talks to Odin Linardatou about democracy in the Balkans today, why and how unstable democracies oscillate between authoritarianism and democracy, about populism and corruption, and the Western Balkan’s uncertain European future.

You can listen to the new podcast on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, YouTube and Amazon music.

Publication: Thursday May 9th, 2024 |
Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos Senior Research Fellow; Professor of Political Science, University of Athens; Public administration; Civil society; Democratization; Southern Europe and Balkans
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications