Every Friday, ELIAMEP’s Greek & European Economy Observatory publishes a summary of European and international economic developments on the coronavirus front. In the 10th Newsletter you can read:

  • The social and economic impact of the pandemic will be disproportionately larger among the younger generation, who are already reporting pessimism about their professional and financial future prospects.
  • In the EU, air pollution, greatly driven by agricultural emissions, causes 400.000 to 790.000 premature deaths, making the population especially vulnerable to coronavirus.
  • Europe’s new strategic calculus aims at protecting EU interests against US and China trade attacks.
  • The pandemic has shed light on the reliance of EU economies on both European and non-European migrant workers. Calls to regularize the status of migrants already in the EU and enable them to work safely have grown.
  • Selective debt forgiveness is on the table, as developing countries are expected to see the explosion of their debt, both public and private, as a result of Covid-19.


You can find the English version of the 10th Newsletter here.

Every Friday, the week’s newsletter will be posted on www.eliamep.gr and sent to those subscribed to ELIAMEP’s newsletter.

Publication: Friday May 29th, 2020 |
Dimitris Katsikas Senior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP; Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens