Τhe 12th Newsletter is out and you can read:

  • Increasing the supply of Εuropean bonds promotes the euro on the global stage and its ability to compete with the US dollar.
  • In the poorest countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America the economic crisis may push 420-580 million people into poverty.
  • Even the US could suffer a significant decline in real GDP as a result of deglobalization.
  • African-Americans are especially vulnerable to the crisis, facing higher mortality and unemployment rates than white Americans, while also lacking social protection.


You can find the English version of the 12th Newsletter here.

Every Friday, the week’s newsletter will be posted on www.eliamep.gr and sent to those subscribed to ELIAMEP’s mailing list.



Publication: Friday June 12th, 2020 |
Dimitris Katsikas Senior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP; Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens