The VIADUCT Annual Conference, scheduled for March 2020 and postponed due to COVID-19, will take place online on 22-23 October 2020.

The VIADUCT – Enhancing Visibility of Academic Dialogue on EU-Turkey Cooperation Final Conference is organized by consortium partners TEPSA and CETEUS. The conference, entitled “Bridge Over Troubled Water: Researching & Teaching EU-Turkey Relations”, runs under the framework of Erasmus+ and the Jean Monnet network. ELIAMEP is an active part of that, and next to fellow partners aims to explore innovative ways and new agendas for teaching and researching EU-Turkey relations.

As the VIADUCT project has entered its final year of implementation, project partners and other interested parties will meet online to wrap up three years of successful cooperation and joint activities on teaching and researching EU-Turkey relations at the VIADUCT Third Annual Conference “Bridge over Troubled Water”.

Read the full conference programme here.

Register to attend the VIADUCT Online Conference here.

If you are affiliated to one of the VIADUCT consortium organizations please contact project manager Anke Schönlau ( to get your registration link to our internal working groups.

Publication: Tuesday October 20th, 2020 |
Athanasios Manis Research Fellow, Security; Turkey
Angeliki Dimitriadi Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Migration Programme