“After a hunger strike that lasted 238 days, human rights lawyer Ebru Timtik, sentenced to 13 years in jail, died. She was accused of being involved with the banned Marxist-Leninist party DHKP-C. Her death left Erdoğan’s regime unbothered. The Turkish President governs under the assumptions of a different era. To keep his people on alert he uses a tried and tested method to affect the public opinion. Old myths are revived, enlarged and imprinted on the public imagination. A public that is motivated to follow Erdoğan in fear of the imaginary opponents he himself constructs. Equally domestically and internationally,” writes George Kaklikis in his article for TA NEA.


You can read the full article in Greek here.

Publication: Monday October 5th, 2020 | ΤΑ ΝΕΑ
The contempt for counsel – By G. Kaklikis
George Kaklikis Senior Policy Advisor; Ambassador (ad hon.)