Loukas Tsoukalis gave an interview to journalist Pavlos Tsimas and radio station SKAI 100,3. He argued that Greece has no easy choices to make when it comes to Turkey, while he stressed that Athens must keep communication channels with Ankara open. Tsoukalis explained that the Greek government has to make a public statement and say that, “we respect international law and, since it is so, we have to be consistent. It cannot be that fellow Greeks loudly voice the opinion that Greece complies with and supports international law but does not wish to appeal to the Hague in case the Court does not give us everything. This reflects a lack of seriousness that is seen and heard by our allies and partners.”



You can listen to the interview in Greek here.


Publication: Wednesday June 24th, 2020 | ΣΚΑΙ 100,3
Loukas Tsoukalis President of the Board, ELIAMEP, Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens