Interviewed by Vitjon Nina, Alexandra Voudouri talked about the prospects of the Greek – Albanian relations and the possible resolution of their outstanding issues, as well as about the perspectives for the Western Balkans, in 2023.

She said that the beginning of Albania’s EU accession talks changes the atmosphere between the two governments, something that has become evident in the recent contacts of the two Premiers, while she stressed that strong political will is needed on behalf of the two sides to resolve all the outstanding issues, since bilateral state relations should start following the good relations between the two peoples. Within this framework she explained the aims of ELIAMEP’s new project “ALGREE: Albania/Greece: Understanding, Connecting, Partnering”.

Regarding the perspectives for the Western Balkans in 2023, she noted the worrying increase of mass migration from the region as yet another reason for its destabilization, while explaining the reasons why it is crucial for Greece the EU accession of all countries of the region, something that should be completed with certain initiatives and actions on behalf of Athens, as well. The interview also focused on Serbia’s role behind the tensions in the region, the prospect of Greece’s recognition of Kosovo as well as the predictions for the Greek – Turkish relations, in 2023.

Click to read the interview in English and in Albanian.

Publication: Wednesday January 4th, 2023 | Albanian Post
“The start of Albania’s EU accession talks paves the way for brighter days for the Greek – Albanian relations” – Alexandra Voudouri
Alexandra Voudouri Research Fellow, Journalist, media analysis, Foreign & European affairs policies