Panagiotis Paschalidis talks with journalists Alexandra Voudouri and Athina Korlira in a radio interview on Athina 9,84 about the fact that, on account of the Prespa Agreement, it is the first time that Greece and North Macedonia have such an upgraded institutional framework to facilitate the development of their bilateral cooperation. “However, this framework must be supported by concrete political initiatives” was the assessment of Panagiotis Paschalidis. Paschalidis referred extensively to the findings and the policy recommendations of the South-East Europe Programme’s latest report entitled, “Broadening Multilevel Connectivity Between Greece and North Macedonia in the post- Prespa environment”, which was funded by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You may listen to the interview, in Greek, here.

Publication: Tuesday December 22nd, 2020 | Αθήνα 9,84
Prespa Agreement and the upgraded institutional framework – interview with P. Paschalidis
Panagiotis Paschalidis Research Fellow, Media representations of the Balkan region