“Nice once again paid the price of extremism and fanaticism with blood. It is a resilient society and fanaticism will not defeat it. We are at a critical crossroad. France and Europe are trying to respond to extremism and the ongoing radicalization of their societies. There should be no room left for extremists. Macron’s policies and initiatives do not target religion and its practitioners, but extremists and terrorists. But we must also revise policies of multiculturalism, not in the context of security but in terms of real integration. The identity crisis affecting second and third generation migrants cannot be ignored. We cannot consider communities in which super-conservative Islam and extremist preaching are predominant, integrated. We do not have the advantage of gifting young people to jihadists,” writes Triandafyllos Karatrantos, Research Fellow at ELIAMEP, in his article for newspaper TA NEA.

You can read the article in Greek here.

Publication: Friday October 30th, 2020 | ΤΑ ΝΕΑ
Triantafyllos Karatrantos Senior Research Fellow, Radicalisation, Terrorism, Policing Models, Security and Foreign Policy