The Thessaloniki Summit 2020 commenced on Thursday 5 November 2020 with the participation of numerous notable figures from the political, diplomatic, academic and business spheres. George Pagoulatos, Director General of ELIAMEP, took part in a panel on “Addressing the Eurozone’s new economic and political challenges”, moderated by Antonis Papagiannidis (Managing Director, Economia Publishing), and with the participation of Christos Staikouras (Minister of Finance, Greece) Luis de Guindos (Vice President, European Central Bank, Germany), Chris Allen (DG ECFIN Resident Adviser in Athens, European Commission), Simos Anastasopoulos (President, The Council on Competitiveness of Greece) and Maria Demertzis (Deputy Director, Bruegel, Belgium).

Watch George Pagoulatos’ remarks starting from 52′.

The Thessaloniki Summit agenda is available here.

Publication: Monday November 9th, 2020 | Thessaloniki Summit
George Pagoulatos
George Pagoulatos Ambassador to the OECD; Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)