“The war fronts concern us as Europeans, whether in Libya or Syria, because we will find them in front of us and the reality which we are facing, that of having to choose between Erdogan and Putin in Libya, or both, means we also bear responsibility for what happens. This is our neighborhood, we should be the ones calling the shots and in any new discussion with the US, regardless of where it takes us, we should make it clear that we have a vision for the future of our region,” said Sotiris Serbos in his interview with the First Programme of ERT.


You can listen to the full interview in Greek here, at 6:00.

Publication: Tuesday July 28th, 2020 | Πρώτο Πρόγραμμα ΕΡΤ
A relationship based on rules – An interview with S. Serbos
Sotiris Serbos Research Fellow (2021-2024), Associate Professor in International Politics, Democritus University of Thrace