Ioannis Armakolas, Head of the South East Europe Programme of ELIAMEP, gave an interview to journalist Lepa Dzundeva for Televizija 24Vesti from North Macedonia on the occasion of the recent elections in the country and the future of bilateral relations between Greece and North Macedonia. The interview was reproduced by many media outlets in the country.

In his statements, I. Armakolas referred to the return of VMRO-DPMNE to power after seven years and how this affects the relations between Greece and North Macedonia. He underlined that the reaction of the Greek side is expected in case the new government does not use the constitutional name “North Macedonia” and stressed the need to find channels of communication in order to avoid a sharp deterioration of bilateral relations between the two countries.

You can watch the interview here.

You can read more here, here and here.

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Publication: Thursday May 16th, 2024 |
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme