George Pagoulatos wonders, in his article for the Sunday edition of Kathimerini, what else needs to happen to force Europe to act boldly. Pagoulatos explains that “success, for countries and in life, does not come in a linear manner. Sudden reversals of faith, unexpected twists, unpredictability, surprise, circles in life are the norm.” This unpredictability is why the EU should act as an internal risk sharing enterprise, since it is clear that in times of crisis, it is as weak as its weakest link. Pagoulatos sharply critiques the behavior of wealthier Northern European countries, arguing that they tend to forget that neither resources and power, nor good luck, are permanent.

You may find the article, in Greek, here.

Publication: Monday April 27th, 2020 | Καθημερινή
George Pagoulatos
George Pagoulatos Ambassador to the OECD; Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)