Turkey appears ready to cooperate with anyone in the Eastern Mediterranean except for Cyprus, explains George N. Tzogopoulos, ELIAMEP Research Fellow, in his article for the newspaper TA NEA. This might include Israel, with which Ankara wishes to reconcile. Dr. Tzogopoulos points out that Turkey’s desire to restore relations with Israel requires a partial revision of its strategy in the Middle East. At present, it is extremely difficult to do so, due to Ankara’s support for Hamas. However, Tzogopoulos supports that it would be a good idea for Greece and Cyprus to enhance their trilateral cooperation with Israel, even if the latter finds a way of working effectively with Turkey.


You can find the article in English here.


Publication: Monday February 10th, 2020 | TA NEA
George Tzogopoulos Senior Research Fellow, Media; International relations; Chinese affairs